Sunday, November 25, 2012



Weight Loss Program
If you are going to be successful in achieving your healthy weight loss goals you need to make sure you are not overlooking one major strategy that can make the difference in reaching your goal. This strategy is arranging regular meal times. This sounds simple but it is often overlooked and it can be the key to overcoming your bad food habits and tendency to snack.

Eat several small meals

Most nutritionists recommend that you eat several small meals a day. But make them small and make them a meal. Then try and not eat after a certain time at night so that your digestive system gets a chance to rest for at least 14 to 16 hours a day. This way you are consuming food when you are active and not eating when you are at rest.

Regular meals good for your body

Another reason for eating regular meals is that it is good for your body. Blood glucose levels stay consistent when eating happens at regular intervals which helps with insulin and cholesterol levels. Mindful eating means you are paying attention to what and when you eat and deciding beforehand that meals will occur at regular times makes it much easier to stay on the right track. In this vein, it is important to eat slowly and enjoy the experience of eating. The recommendations are that you chew each bite at least 30 times to slow your eating down. Eating slower also allows your brain to catch up with the fact that you are full. Make more of an occasion of meals. Try new recipes and experiment with new foods – it will keep your meals interesting and more enjoyable. Experts in the field of nutrition recommend that no more than four hours should go by without a meal, except for the evening. This cuts down on feelings of hunger and deprivation which leads to overeating.

Don't skip breakfast

The medical establishment is in total agreement on the importance of eating breakfast every day. If you skip breakfast you have just extended the time of fasting past the night hours and your body is running on empty. This affects energy levels, thinking processes and even creativity. You are also more likely to try and make up this food deficit with the next meal thus leading to more weight gain.

Come up with options for the troublesome times of the day

Many people find that there are certain times of the day that are more troublesome in terms of eating than others. When you get home from work is a time when you are at risk of overeating. The temptation is to snack the minute you get in the door before you have had time to make dinner. If possible do something else when you first get home like taking a hot bath or a walk or just read a book with a cup of tea. Try exercise when you are feeling a lack of energy – a walk around the block just might do the trick. Get involved so that you are not tempted to eat when you are bored. If you are active and engaged in an activity you like such as a club meeting, taking a class, playing an instrument or discussing a book in a book group, then you are not bored and not eating. Once you have figured out the times of the day that work for meals and you have a strategy for the troublesome times you are on your way to achieving your healthy weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.


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