Sunday, November 25, 2012



Everybody is always looking for a quick fix when they are trying to figure out how to get fit. There are no shortcuts to developing a healthy lifestyle but the process doesn't have to be as difficult as you think. Here is some information that can make the journey to healthy fitness a little easier.


It doesn't take running in a marathon or working out for hours at the gym every day to get fit. Research tells us that working out aerobically for thirty minutes three times a week is all you need to get fit now. You can use stationary machines at the gym, like treadmills, or a rowing machine or an elliptical machine. Jogging, swimming, riding a bike, hiking, raking the leaves, or kickboxing are all good forms of aerobic exercise. Or you can just walk briskly. Add in some resistance work with free weights or machines and you will tone up your muscles quickly. Make sure to do at least ten minutes of a warm-up and ten minutes of a cool down after an aerobic workout. Also don't overtrain. Alternate aerobic exercise with resistance workouts so that you give the muscles time to repair themselves from working with weights. You also don't have to do so many repetitions that you are in pain. You actually gain more muscle from doing less reps with longer rest breaks in between. The goal is to strike a balance between doing enough to work the muscle but not doing so much that the muscle cannot repair itself.

Drink more Water

Giving up sugary drinks such as sodas and juice can help you lose weight. Diet soft drinks contain sugar substitutes that are not good for your health and some research indicates that they may even sabotage a diet. Water is a natural way to hydrate yourself and if you drink a glass before each meal it can even help you eat less. Take water bottles with you when you exercise and stay hydrated.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

A recent study concludes that if you add more fruits and vegetables to your diet you can lose weight even if don't change anything else in your diet or behavior. Make sure to eat leafy green vegetables so you are getting the most vitamins and minerals and eat several servings of fresh fruit daily. They will help curb your appetite and they make great snacks.

Eat several smaller meals

Nutritionists tell us that it is better to eat smaller meals throughout the day then to have three heavy meals. Eating frequently but lightly means your digestive system will be happy and you will be less likely to snack.

Always have breakfast

It is never a good idea to skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast sets you up for diet failure. Your brain and your body need energy to start the day right. Also if you don't eat breakfast you are more likely to overeat at your next meal.


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