Sunday, November 25, 2012



Lose Weight Now
Self control is going to be the determining factor in whether you can be successful in losing weight and getting healthy. It is up to you to cut down on the amount of food you eat and to find food that you can enjoy without binging or gaining more weight. However, if the eating plan is going to be successful you also have to allow yourself to eat the things you really like in moderation every once in awhile – not a binge day just a cup of ice cream or a piece of cake when you really want it, once a week or once a month. The idea is not to deprive yourself but to find foods that you can enjoy that are healthy for you and to eat the problem foods you used to eat in moderation with self control.

Change your sedentary lifestyle

If you have lead a fairly sedentary lifestyle you are probably going to have to ease into the process of getting fit. Spend some time and try to find the type of exercise that you have some interest in. Maybe there is one machine at the gym that works for you, or maybe you like swimming or doing yoga. It doesn’t matter what it is you just need to get started with a fitness program. Walking is a great way to get some exercise. Just twenty minutes four times a week and you will be amazed at how much better you feel.

Get rid of the temptations in your kitchen

Help yourself out in your healthy weight loss venture by getting rid of the foods that are not on your eating plan. Clean out that refrigerator and your cupboards of the high sugar content, empty calorie foods, white bread, doughnuts, ice cream and the candy. Fill your refrigerator and your pantry with healthy foods like whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean meats and fish. Have healthy snacks on hand like popcorn and nuts and trail mix. If the bad foods aren’t as accessible then it is more likely you won’t eat them.

Enjoy your food

The best way to lose weight is simply to start enjoying the food that is good for you. Find great recipes, get inspired by healthy cooking shows, buy some gourmet healthy food and make the food you are eating tasty and appetizing. This getting healthy is a lifestyle change. If you think that eating steamed vegetables all the time it isn’t likely you will stay with your healthy eating plan. Make sure to eat enough protein. It is filling and good for you and will help you through the day. Make mealtimes enjoyable with well prepared food, set the table, invite a friend over and eat slowly. If you are hungry try eating small meals throughout the day. This will also keep you from snacking.

Choose water

The best thing you can do for your body while you are getting healthy and fit is to cut down on soda even diet soda, alcohol, juice and other beverages. Water is what will help you lose weight and make you feel better. Carry it with you and have cold water available at home.

Find support

The success of a good healthy weight loss plan is almost always based on having the support from friends, family, or work mates. It is very hard to stay engaged with a drastic life changing eating plan unless you are doing it with someone. If you don’t have those kinds of support then look for it online. There are support groups, sites where you can track your progress and talk about new recipes and ideas. The important thing is to find a way to stay motivated until your life changes become second nature.


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