Sunday, November 25, 2012



Water for Fitness
Losing weight can literally save your life but only if it becomes a way of life not just a temporary activity. The fact that it also improves your appearance is great but health has to come first. With a healthy weight loss you are on the way to feeling better, having more energy and enhancing your life. In this article you will find information on how to get fit, eat right and achieve your desired weight loss in the right way so that it becomes second nature.
When embarking on a life changing process it is important to start with your mindset. You have to believe you can do this for the process of getting fit and achieving a healthy weight loss to work. Studies have shown that it is our own mindset that holds us back from achieving our best. In a recent study, people were told that if they used a particular piece of software that their vision would improve. There was nothing special about the software, but the belief that they could see better actually improved their vision testing. Get your head in the right place and you will suddenly have the willpower to get fit.
First off do not skip meals. If you skip meals your body starts to store fat as it goes into famine mode. You will lose fat faster if you eat on a regular basis. Eating smaller meals several times a day is the best thing to do and it will keep you from snacking.
You may not think there is a correlation but it is important to get as much regular sleep as possible when you are starting a fitness program and weight loss program. Try for at least eight hours of sleep every night and you will feel better and have more energy as you work toward achieving your healthy weight loss.
Since you are turning over a new leaf to eat healthy, you should try to stick to water for your beverages as much as you can. While the recent fuss over diet sodas seems to be overblown, in general the medical community does advise limiting your consumption of any kind of sugar substitutes. Water is not only healthy but in a recent study the participants who drank water had significantly lower levels of fasting glucose.
If you eat small meals during the day you are more likely not to break your diet. When you eat make sure to chew each piece thoroughly and take your time while you are eating. Really enjoy your food and you will feel fuller while eating less.
A successful diet is one that you can stay on for the rest of your life. So don't give up your favorite foods just eat them in moderation. If ice cream is your thing then reward yourself with a small bowl at the end of a week of dieting. Soups can be particularly wonderful to eat as they can be filling but usually contain less calories than an entrée. Clear soups are better for you than creamy soups but if that is what you want just have one small bowl.
Physical exercise is key to any weight loss or fitness program. Find whatever exercise appeals to you and do it religiously. It really takes only a small amount of exercise to make a huge difference in your life and your appearance. If you like to walk, that is a great way to burn calories and enjoy the outdoors while you are doing it.


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