a friend of mine. The images I used are ones I was given
over various yahoo groups sharing PSP tubes or off the
net at royalty free sites. I have no idea who to give credit
to for any of them; this is shared with no intentions of
claiming them as my own or making a profit from them.
The template is my own.
The finished cards are 100PPI.
The height is 4.7" with the tab.
The width is 5.990"
The zip file you will download includes both the
finished layouts as well as the templates.
There are also JPG and PNG files in the zip.
I made this template after I saw at the scrapbook stores
many different kinds of rings that this can be put on.
I would suggest printing and laminating everything; punch
the holes where indicated so they all line up; and then use
whatever rings suits your colors or style.
*NOTE: Not all is shown in the preview.
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